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In the church of the living God


The Holy Spirit has revealed proper conduct for believers in the church of the living God, which is God's house. God has manifested Himself in His Son, and the Holy Spirit supports the truth through the church for godliness in Christian conduct.   Read more >




Pursue Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Patience, Gentleness


The righteousness imputed to us through faith in Christ does not relieve us from the responsibility of proper Christian conduct.   Read more >




Keep this Commandment without Spot, Blameless


Those who operate in reverent submission to all authority have the comfort of the Scriptures assuring their names are written in the Book of Life.   Read more >

Pursue Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Patience, Gentleness
Keep this Commandment without Spot, Blameless
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