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Soul Care by Deacons
Worship by Deacons
Ministry Stewardship (Management) by Deacons

Soul Care by Deacons


Community Engagement (description)

For the purpose of assessing and meeting the needs of community members and families, community engagement requires: 

  • Advising community leaders

  • Intentional integration into unique cultural groups and organizational cultures in the community


Supporting Competencies

  • Relationship building

  • Verbal communication

  • Approachability

  • Scheduling


Expectation is for the Deacon to demonstrate sustained consistency over time in complex situations in the following activities:

  • Briefs statistical data to church leadership for trend analysis to meet the needs of the community

  • Addresses individual and/or community group and organization needs within sensitive circumstances

  • Manages and plans geographically separated (non-local) community engagements



Intercession (description)

Intercession provides confidential care to individuals in crisis, such as:

  • Suicide intervention/aftermath

  • traumatic stress response

  • death and grief counseling

  • solution focused counseling

  • natural disaster

  • care for wounded, sick, or dying


Supporting Competencies

  • Listening

  • Managing difficult conversation

  • Empathy

  • Resilience


Expectation is for the Deacon to demonstrate sustained consistency over time in complex situations in the following activities:

  • Applies solutions focused prayer and intercessory counseling skills independently

  • Directs/provides intercession in overwhelming situations (i.e. grief, mass casualty, natural disaster)

  • Coordinates training opportunities for ministry team

Worship by Deacons


Worship Accommodation (description)

Worship accommodation for free exercise of Christian faith for all believers and their families requires:

  • Assessing 

  • Facilitating

  • Advocating 


Supporting Competencies

  • Christian worship needs awareness

  • Information seeking

  • Service mindset

  • Planning


Expectation is for the Deacon to demonstrate depth of knowledge to establish new practices within all of the following activities:

  • Implements new policies and oversees the performance of worship accommodations

Ministry Stewardship (Management) by Deacons


Resource Stewardship (description)

Resource stewardship is the proper management of the ministry resources entrusted to the faith community for specified ministry efforts. Financial resources come from regular giving such as tithes and offerings, and appropriated giving (i.e. building fund), and other contributions from the faith community. Responsibilities of Christian stewardship in order to directly or indirectly support ministry include:

  • Funds management (funds requests, expense tracking, and unfunded requests) 

  • Making appropriate purchases

  • Contracting

  • Manpower

  • facilities


Supporting Competencies

  • Resource stewardship (management)

  • Negotiation

  • Decision making

  • Accountability


Expectation is for the Deacon to demonstrate sustained consistency over time in complex situations in the following activities:

  • Develops appropriated funds and tithe and offering fund budgets in accordance with the annual ministry plan

  • Evaluates/inspects appropriated fund and tithe and offering fund income and expenditures

  • Advises church leadership and ministry staff on processes and changes to the annual ministry plan

  • Provides inputs to church leadership to secure facilities

  • Negotiates/procures contracts (i.e. personnel, lodging, transportation, catering)

  • Submits requests for ministry manning changes or ministry backfill manning


Ministry Member Stewardship (description)

Ministry Member stewardship is the proper oversight of the community of ministry members. The body of Christ is responsible for taking care of itself as each member does his or her part regarding the growth and development of individual Christians and of the Christian community. Ministry member stewardship requires active participation in organizing, training, developing, and evaluating Christians in the positions of, or aspiring to positions of:

  • Overseer/Bishop

  • Deacon

  • Ministry Leader

  • Ministry Member

  • Ministry Partner (external resource personnel)


Supporting Competencies

  • Develops people

  • Performance management

  • Team building

  • Mentoring


Expectation is for the Deacon scope is at the ministry operational level in the following activities:

  • Manages individual/ministry member progression/vectoring by identifying priorities and implementing training/development opportunities

  • Establishes/implements Master Discipleship/Training Plan

  • Mentors Bishops/Overseers on Ministry Support Team model, roles/responsibilities, and positional requirements

  • Assesses suitability of ministry member acquisitions and Overseer/Bishop candidates

  • Establishes position descriptions

  • Employs ready personnel to meet strategic ministry requirements



Ministry Members​


Ministry Leaders





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