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Books by time of events

Before 2166 BC


2166 BC - 1452 BC

2166 BC - 1522 BC, Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt

1522 BC - 1402 BC, Moses and the Exodus


1452 BC - 1359 BC

1522 BC - 1402 BC, Moses and the Exodus

1402 BC - 1051 BC, The Conquest and the Judges


1359 BC - 930 BC

1402 BC - 1051 BC, The Conquest and the Judges

1051 BC - 931 BC, United Kingdom

930 BC - 700 BC

1051 BC - 931 BC, United Kingdom

931 BC - 722 BC, Northern Kingdom

931 BC - 586 BC, Southern Kingdom


700 BC - 500 BC

931 BC - 586 BC, Southern Kingdom

585 BC - 514 BC, Exile

514 BC - 531 BC, Restoration of Jerusalem


500 BC - 400 BC

514 BC - 431 BC, Restoration of Jerusalem

431 BC - AD 1, Palestine ruled by Egyptians Ptolemies, the Syrian Seleucids, the Maccabeans and the Romans (400 BC - 1 AD, Intertestamental Period)

Pure Heart, Old Testament, Bible

Twelve Tribes of Israel

(Breastplate of High Priest)

Instead of Levi & Joseph; Manasseh & Ephraim were represented on the breastplate (tribes of Joseph's sons).



Historical Books​


Poetry & Wisdom​


Major Prophets​


Minor Prophets


Christ in the Old Testament


Daniels Vision of a Statue



OT Books by time of events
Twelve Tribes of Israel
OT by category
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