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Updated: Oct 12, 2020


Category: Minor Prophets

Written: c. 586 BC

By: Obadiah

Topic: Prophecy (Shortest prophecy, and shortest book of the Old Testament)

Location: Judah

Purpose: To prophesy against Edom.

Outline (chapter)

  • Judgment on Edom (1-9)

  • Edom's Violations (10-14)

  • Israel's Victory (15-21)

Key Verse: For violence against your brother Jacob, Shame shall cover you, And you shall be cut off forever. (Obadiah 10)


  • Obadiah

  • Prophesied concerning Edom

  • 590 BC

  • Home/Location: Judah (During Divided/S. Kingdom, 930 BC - 586 BC; From the village of Betharam (N. Kingdom territory prior to fall to Assyrians in 722 BC ), near Sichem )

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