Updated: Oct 12, 2020
Category: Minor Prophets
Written: c. 520 BC
By: Haggai
Topic: Prophecy and Hope
Location: Judah
Purpose: To urge the people to complete rebuilding the temple.
Outline (chapter)
Rebuild the Temple (1)
Blessings and David's Throne (2)
Key Verse: According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear. (Haggai 2:5)
Haggai (To Joshua, the high priest; To Prince Zerubbabel, the Governor of Judah and descendant of King David)
Prophesied to Judah
520 BC (Many Jews returning from Babylonian Captivity to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple destroyed by Babylonians)
Home/Location: Jerusalem (During Exile, 585 BC - 514 BC; During Restoration of Jerusalem, 514 BC - 500 BC; During Darius I, 522 BC - 486 BC)
Categories: Bible, Old Testament, Minor Prophets