Galatians 6
Now his concern was that they would use this insight appropriately.
Galatians 5
Apostle Paul goes on to tell the believers how easily identifiable those are who live under the bondage of legalism.
Galatians 4
The law testifies that they should forsake the law for the sake of obtaining the promise.
Galatians 3
Those who rely on keeping the Old Testament law forfeit God's blessing and remain under His wrath
Galatians 2
The present evil age was still knocking on the doors of the church to bring the believers back into the bondage of legalism.
Keep this Commandment without Spot, Blameless
Those who operate in reverent submission to all authority have the comfort of the Scriptures assuring their names are written in the Book of
Pursue Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Patience, Gentleness
The righteousness imputed to us through faith in Christ does not relieve us from the responsibility of proper Christian conduct.
Tree of Life
The Lord wants us to understand the tree of life is abundantly available to those who enter the kingdom of God. He helps us by describing Hi
Good Conscience
A good conscience towards God is seen in everyone who does not blaspheme in regards to His Biblical prophesies.
Those who by faith have the hope of the resurrection, are confident it will come to pass, and honor the Lordship of Jesus Christ in this lif
Wage the Good Warfare: Know and Keep the Prophesies
We must know and keep the prophesies previously made concerning us, so the good warfare of faith and a good conscience would be waged.