Galatians 6
Now his concern was that they would use this insight appropriately.
Galatians 5
Apostle Paul goes on to tell the believers how easily identifiable those are who live under the bondage of legalism.
Galatians 4
The law testifies that they should forsake the law for the sake of obtaining the promise.
Galatians 3
Those who rely on keeping the Old Testament law forfeit God's blessing and remain under His wrath
Galatians 2
The present evil age was still knocking on the doors of the church to bring the believers back into the bondage of legalism.
Galatians 1
The true gospel is that of grace and peace from "God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins" (Galatians 1:3-4)
The letter of Revelation:
The seven Churches (1-4), Visions (5-16), God's Triumph (17-20), The New Creation (21-22)
The letter of Jude to all Christians.
3 John
The letter of 3 John to Gaius.
2 John
The letter of 2 John to the elderly lady.
1 John
The letter of 1 John to all Christians:
Living in the Light (1-2), Living in Love (3-4), Living by Faith (5)
2 Peter
The letter of 2 Peter to all Christians:
Living Like Christ; False Teachers (1-2), The Return of Christ (3)
1 Peter
The letter of 1 Peter to all Christians:
Holiness and Submission (1-2), Suffering (3-4), Advice for Old and Young (5)
The letter from James to Jewish believers:
Living a Life of Faith (1-2), Faith without Works (2-3), Speech and Wisdom (3-4), Wealth and Pray
The letter to the Hebrews:
Supremacy of Christ (1-4), The New Covenant (5-10), The Life of Faith (11-13)