Josiah is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 641 BC - 609 BC.
Amon is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 643 BC - 641 BC.
Manasseh is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 697 BC - 643 BC.
Hezekiah is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 716 BC - 687 BC.
Ahaz is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 735 BC - 716 BC.
Jotham is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 750-732 BC.
Uzziah (Azariah)
Uzziah (Azariah) is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 792 BC - 740 BC.
Joram (Jehoram - king of Judah)
Joram (Jehoram) is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 853 BC - 841 BC.
Jehoshaphat is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 873 BC - 848 BC.
Asa is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned in Judah, 911 B.C. - 870 B.C.
Abijah is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He reigned as king of Judah, 913 B.C. - 911 B.C.
Rehoboam is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He was king of Judah, 931 - 913 B.C.
Reign in United Kingdom Solomon was king 971 - 931 BC. Death: Natural causes Evaluation: Mostly Good king Scripture: 1 Kings 1-11; 2...
“The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people.” (1 Sam. 13:14)
Genealogy of Jesus Christ "Also the neighbor women gave him a name, saying, “There is a son born to Naomi.” And they called his name...