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Updated: Oct 12, 2020


Category: Minor Prophets

Written: c. 609 BC - 598 BC

By: Habakkuk

Topic: Prophecy and Judgment

Location: Judah

Purpose: To affirm that the wicked will not prevail and to remind Judah that God is in control.

Outline (chapter)

  • Tough Questions (1-2)

  • Praise to the Lord (3)

Key Verse: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. (Habakkuk 3:18)

Prophet: ​

  • Habakkuk

  • Prophesied to Judah (Spoke regarding Babylon's fall, 550 BC)

  • 608 BC - 598 BC

  • Home/Location: Unknown (During Divided Kingdom, 930 BC - 586 BC; After fall of N. Kingdom (Israel) to Assyrians, 722 BC; During Exile of Jehoiachin, 598 BC - 597 BC)

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