Stone Cut Out: Everlasting Kingdom
A stone was cut out, not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and broke them in pieces. Then the rest of the st
Legs of Iron & Feet of Iron and Clay: Rome (63 BC - the time of Jesus Christ)
The legs were made of iron, and the feet were a mixture of both iron and clay.
Belly and Thighs of Bronze: Greece (332 BC - 63 BC)
The belly and thighs made of bronze represent the kingdom of Greece. This third kingdom would extend throughout the known world.
Chest and Arms of Silver: Medo-Persia (539 BC - 332 BC)
The chest and arms made of silver represented the kingdom of Medo-Persia, which is the second power that would rise after Babylonia.
Head of Fine Gold: Babylonia (626 BC - 539 BC)
The head of the statue, made from fine gold, represented the king of Babylonia, which the Lord gave Nebuchadnezzar to rule.
“Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, (A)because an excellent spirit was in him.” (Daniel 6:3)
Old Testament by Events: 700 BC - 500 BC
700 BC - 585 BC: Divided Kingdom; 585 BC - 514 BC: Exile; 514 BC - 500 BC: Restoration of Jerusalem