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Chest and Arms of Silver: Medo-Persia (539 BC - 332 BC)

Updated: Oct 9, 2020

Historical and Biblical Background

  • In 539 BC, Darius the Mede (from Media) took Babylon without a fight.

  • By 538 BC, Mesopotamia and Judah were under Persian rule. Later the Persians gained control of Egypt and Lybia.

  • King Cyrus and the other kings of the Persian empire developed a policy that allowed all people the freedom to worship their own gods, and live their own ways.

  • in 538 BC, Cyrus issued a decree ordering a restoration of the Jewish community. Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple (Ezra 1:2-4).

  • The Persians paid to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem (Ezra 6:8).

  • The vessels taken by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon were returned to their rightful place in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:7-11).

  • In 457 BC, King Artaxerxes of Persia sent Ezra to Judah for religious reform and spiritual guidance (Ezra 7:1-6).

  • Nehemiah governed Judah from 444-430 BC. While in Judah, Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.

Chest and Arms of the Statue (Daniel 2)

  • The chest and arms made of silver represented the kingdom of Medo-Persia, which is the second power that would rise after Babylonia.

  • Silver, which is of lesser value than gold, symbolized the inferior status of Medo-Persia to Babylonia.

  • Eventually Persia would be conquered by another kingdom.

Vision of Beasts - Bear (Daniel 7)

  • Daniel's vision of the beasts had shown a beast that looked like a bear.

  • The bear was raised on one side, which may illustrate the dominance of Persia over Media.

  • It had three ribs in its mouth, which may have illustrated the three major empires Persia conquered (Babylon, Egypt and Lydia).

  • The bear was commanded to devour much flesh, which may have been a reference to Persia's military expansion throughout the ancient world.


  • 539 BC: Cyrus

  • 538 BC: Cyrus' edict allows Jews to return to Jerusalem.

  • 530 BC: Cambyses

  • 521 BC: Darius

  • 536 - 516 BC: Jewish temple is rebuilt.

  • 509 BC: Roman Republic established.

  • 485 BC: Xerxes

  • c. 478 BC: King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) of Persia makes Esther queen.

  • 465 BC: Artaxerxes

  • 431 - 404 BC: Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta

  • 426 BC: Xerxes II

  • 424 BC: Darius II

  • 405 BC: Artaxerxes II

  • 386 BC: Gauls sack Rome.

  • 358 BC: Artaxerxes III

  • 338 BC: Arses

  • 336 BC: Darius III

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